Monday, 4 November 2013

Did You Know That A 99-Year-Old Man Divorced His Wife After 77 Years Of Marriage Because She Cheated ….

What is the solid reason that compelled one person to end a 77-year-old relationship that brought to the world 5 children, 12 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild?
They are getting divorced because of the most common reason we, younger folks, get divorced for. Infidelity!
One day the husband identified only by the name Antonio, 99 had been digging around in some old drawers in his house when, to his surprise, he found his a stack of old dusty letters. After browsing through them he uncovered the sad fact his wife Rosa, 96 had a love affair nearly 70 years ago. After confronting her and confirming the information from the letters was real, the enraged husband filed immediately for divorce.
Italian local authorities report that despite the wife’s attempt to persuade her husband not to destroy a 77-year-old marital relationship the couple is preparing to split.
This will turn them into the oldest divorcees in history.

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