Monday, 4 November 2013

Did you know that a Chinese couple sold their baby to buy…

A couple from China sold their baby for £5,000 and bought a new iPhone and shoes with the money. The parents, who are unemployed, started posting online announcements before the baby was born. They wanted 50,000 yuan (£5,070) for their baby.
The woman, Ms Zhang, gave birth to a baby girl at home, so they could easily cover the crime. The parents received the money a few hours after the baby was born. Upon receiving the money, the couple made some internet purchases, including expensive trainers and an iPhone. Later, when the crime was discovered the couple told the prosecutors they wanted to secure their daughter’s future by finding a financially independent family to take care of her. However, the police and prosecutors believe the couple intended to sell the child in order to get a profit. They even tried to hide the pregnancy and told their neighbors the woman’s bump was caused by a tumour.
About a year ago seven people were arrested as they were involved in purchasing a kidney from a teenager boy who invested the money in an iPhone and an iPad.

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