Friday 21 February 2014

Did you know that a woman got jailed after failing to return a Jennifer Lopez… -

Jenny from the block is without a doubt one of the most attractive women in the show business. However, it appears that J Lo is making even women lose their minds, since a 27 year old woman recently got jailed after failing to return a Jennifer Lopez movie she had rented back in 2005.
According to official reports, the 27 year old Kayla Michelle Finley from Pickens, South Carolina, decided to rent the movie Monster In Law starring Jennifer Lopez and Jane Fonda in the not so distant 2005 from a Dalton Video store. After Finley failed to return the movie, the store allegedly sent her several letters regarding her overdue rental. The reports state that the store even issued a warrant for Finley. Even though the Dalton Video store had already closed long ago, when the woman visited the local sheriff office she got arrested and later jailed.
After she got released on a $2,000 bond, Finley wrote on Facebook that she fully intends to fight the ridiculous accusations.
- See more at:

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